Come inside my world where all I do is read and read lots and lots of romance..............................

Thursday 22 March 2007

I'm Happy, oh so happy..I'm happy and happy and gay! (in the happy sense)

Hey everyone, Whew has this been a busy week for me! I'm decorating, I'm writing, I'm making sure my dog doesn't eat my other dog (don't ask!)

So what about the rest of you. Was St. Paddy's Day good to you? Did you drink a lot of beer?

I did.:)

I'm still not able to kick this insomnia thing. It's driving me demented. Does anyone have any tips? Pleeeeeease help me!

I checked out 'Fight Club' the other night. Has Brad Pitt ever been hotter?

And 'Bones' this side of the pond is starting to heat up. I love that couple. I wish they'd just get it together already!

I've also submitted a novella to EC and queried an agent. Please keep your fingers crossed for me. But I gotta say I love my manuscript. ANd I have the best critique partner ever! (Yes, I know everyone says that, but in my case it's true!)

So life is good.

Except for high cholesterol.

Doc says I have to cut back on fatty foods. It's tough work. I love my Ben & Jerry's!

I have so many books I have to review, they're all stacked high beside my bed. I suppose I'll get to them sometime this week. I really want to read 'Blood Bound' by Vivi Anna.

Which reminds me, I have Brava! Yes, Borders has started stocking Kensington Brava and Aphrodisia. That's right. Ireland has Kensington! I am so over the moon. Now I don't have to buy these books through Amazon.

And don't you just hate ignorant people? Recently on some blogs I've seen the rudest crap in the comments sections. I think people are getting a bit too big in their boots. I can't wait until they're taken down a peg or two. They're such drama queens!

In other news Alison Kent is renting out her blog. I am seriously considering sending her a post. Just have to think of something to say.

Okay, I'm done rambling. Don't forget to enter the contest below. All I need is a joke.

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Sydney Somers said...

WTG on subbing the novella and querying an agent. Now if only the waiting was easier. *g*

Anonymous said...

*hugs* on the insomnia and high cholesterol. Both suck.

Good luck with your submission!

Holly said...

Good luck with your submission.

I've been an insomniac most of my life. I wish I could offer you a cure, but I've yet to find one.

But hey, on the bright side, not sleeping leaves lots of time for reading/writing. :P